* 마이테스트(My test)는?

한가지 어플로 여러가지 공부를 할 수 있는 어플 '마이테스트(My test)'는 원격 시험 및 문제 제작 어플리케이션입니다.


* 다양한 활용

엑셀에서 시험문제를 작성하고 카톡이나 메신저, 웹, 카페 등을 통해서 파일을 보내면 언제 어디서든 시험을 칠 수 있고 자동 채점, 결과공유까지 바로 이어집니다. 
또한, 점수만이 아니라 틀린 문제의 번호도 자동공유되므로 공부방이나 학원, 과외 선생님들에게 특히 유용합니다. 

마이테스트는 종이 시험지와 마찬가지로 저작자 표시 및 안내, 홍보도 가능합니다. 

학생들은 자동생성되는 오답노트도 활용할 수 있으니 일석이조라할 수 있습니다. 

* 간단한 사용법

마이테스트는 회원가입이나 로그인이 필요없는데다 출제자나 수험자 입장에서의 사용법도 간단합니다. 
홈페이지에서 엑셀양식을 다운받고 문제와 답을 기입하기만하면 스마트폰은 멋진 시험지로 변신.

어떤 과목이든 소화할 수 있다는 것도 큰 장점입니다. 국어와 영어 등의 언어관련 과목에서 특히 활용도가 높지만 주관식, 객관식, 단답형, 다답형은 물론 단순 단어외우기 문제까지 어떤 문제라도 간단하게 만들어 낼 수 있습니다. 


My Test is a simple App that can remote test a person or a party with Excel file of quiz data.(It can be used for distance learning, distance education)

From kindergarten to company worker Study can not be separated from modern people.

While using books, studying cram schools, taking lectures online, sometimes solving problems, recently there are various ways to study with mobile apps.

The educational application "My test" is distance education and Quiz production application.

If you create an exam question in Excel and transfer the file through Messenger such as WhatsApp, Web, Cafe etc, you can test anytime, anywhere, share score and results.

Not only the score but also the number of the wrong problem is shared, so it is useful not only for students but also for academics and tutors. As well as paper test paper you can guide and publicize, and students can make use of mistaken notes.

It does not require membership registration and login, it is easy to use.

Just by downloading the Excel form from the homepage and filling in the problem and the answer, the smartphone is changed to a wonderful test paper.

It is a great merit that Quiz can be created for any subject.

* My Test - Test and share your study with Excel files.*

※ Functions

- Import Excel files.

- 30 questions test is available.

- Test for subjective & objective test(4 choice)

- Test for short answer type & multiple answer type

- Can be reviewed after the exam

※ Paid Version

- No ads.

- 200 questions test is available.

- Five choice objective test is available.